Our office is located in Hanoi city – Captial of Vietnam. You can easily find us on Google maps by the name: VIETNAM REMY HAIR CO., LTD

Vietnam Remy Hair Co.,ltd Office

Village 4, Haiboi Commune,

Donganh Disctrict (101006)

Hanoi, Vietnam

Please contact us one day in advance to make an appointment:

Regular working time: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm from Monday to Saturday, except Sunday or Holiday.


Vietnam Remy Hair Co.,ltd Factory

  • Location: Nam Dinh Province
  • Area: 1000 square meters
  • Employees: 350 workers
  • Production: 1-1.5 tons/month

To visit our factory, please contact directly to your supporter or MrJeason


Our factory is located in Nam Dinh province, 110 kilometers far from the office. The factory was built in 2013 and today, we have at least 300 highly skilled workers with at least 5 years of experience and nearly 80 part-time workers who can support factory in high demand seasons, can supply more than 1 tons of products every month for customers.

We know that the most important thing when doing hair business is controlling the quality of hair. We have collectors in every province in Vietnam. They will go to the donor’s place to cut hair by themself to make sure the hair collected was virgin Remy hair. All hair was collected from one donor, with no tangle, perfect for dyeing or bleaching. You can watch how we collect raw hair on our Youtube channel to understand more.

The hair after being collected will be gathered and transported to our factory. Here, we wash it with clean water, keep it dry naturally and remove all nits and lice, grey hair. After that, all hair will be washed again and classified into each type, each length, and color,... but all hair must be kept in the same direction (Remy).

After that, depending on the customer's order, we will choose hair in stock to make it into Bulk hair, Weft hair extensions, Closure, or Frontal. With highly skilled workers and the way we control technology, we are confident that all of our hair is still virgin Remy, no tangle, no shedding. That is why our products can be supplied to all markets in the world, from the US, Canada, and South America to Europe, Russia, Africa,…

We don't do all production by machine, some steps need to be done by hand. That will help us control the quality of products better and can take care of customer’s requirements. Even though the time for production will be longer than normal but it is not problem, quality for the customer is the most important thing, and that is the purpose when we built the Vietnam Remy Hair brand.

If you ever wonder about hair quality, you will not need to worry when buying from us. We have the highest quality material hair in Vietnam. All of our high-quality hair can be bleached to any color you want, even colors like #60 or #613. You know that only virgin Remy hair can be bleached to that color that is still soft and silk.

We have a dream to become one of the top hair companies in the world. And we believe that human is the most important factor in our plan to achieve that dream. The factory is just like a family with our workers, we just really enjoy the working environment here.

And the final, we make the best products with the highest quality for customers, a variety of textures, styles, colors,…We bring the beauty of Vietnamese hair to customers all around the world.

We would like to thank our customers for your loyalty and support. Thanks to you, we have succeeded today. If you need anything, please contact us for advice. Thank you!

Contacts us

Whataspp +84837299025
Whataspp +84344682186
Ms. Elysia
Whataspp +843256114070
Whataspp +84355822283
Ms. Sandy
Whataspp +84354914422
Whataspp +84352117091
Whataspp +84943286486