Today, hair extension become more popular, especial hair extension was made by human hair. No difficult to understand why many woman choose it as a indispensable assessory. Hair68 Blog will show you some main reasons why you should wear them.
1. No need long time to have a long hair
Have you ever wait a half of year just for the hair long enough to make a style same as an actress you like? That’s sound not easy to have dream hair as you want, even when you put a lot of effort to take care for it, the hair still grows really slow. Or sometime, when you decide to change to short haircut, then have to admit that it isn’t suitable with you at all. What did you do after that? Spend a week just to regret the long hair and criticize yourself, didn’t you?
In all that case, hair extension will be the perfect solution. No need long time, just a few minutes and some skills, you can apply hair extension on your natural hair easily.

Wearing hair extension will bring you long hair instantly
There are two popular type of hair extension in the market: human hair and synthetic hair. Synthetic hair is cheap, easy to make color and style but because of its structure, it will difficult to look like your real hair when applied. Human hair absolutely better but price is also higher. There are so many hair brand in market as: Vietnamese hair, Brazil hair, Peru hair,…with different features and quality. As an Vietnamese hair supplier in long time in the market, we suggest you our virgin remy hair. You will see its quality deserve with your money.

Vietnamese girl has beautiful long hair
2. Change color and style easily
Try a new hair color or style is always a risk, because it isn’t just a color or style. So many thing related also have to change, such as accessories, clothes,…And this process is also make your hair damage. Once again, hair extension could be your savior. You can try as much color and style as you want without bad affect to your natural hair. Just apply it to your hair, if you don’t like, change it. Wow, everything never be that easy, you can follow your idol hair style and color no matter how often she change it.

You can be gorgeous with any hair colors
3. Add more volume to your real hair
If you are in trouble with hair loss or thinning hair, but have an important party or event tomorrow, what should you do? How to feel confident if your hair look bad. Don’t worry about that, one more function of hair extension is add more volume to your hair. You can look at these pictures below, hair extension has bring to our customer a really good appearance.
Some people think hair extension is only using when you are a model or actress. But today, it is for everyone, even you are a don’t have much money, there are a lot of kind of hair extension for your choice.

You can do many style with thick volumn hair
4. No damage and easy to use
That’s the truth all of us can see easily. If you using hair extension to change hair style or color, your natural hair will never be damaged. It is a best advantage that hair extension bring to us. Your hair will not have to prevent chemical or anything could harm to it. You also no need a lot of time to recovery for your hair as when you still apply all style on natural hair.

Hair extenison could help you avoid damage to your real hair when you make hair style
How to use hair extension? Very easy, just some words and a click, you can find thousand of video on Youtube guide and explain whatever you want to know about hair extension. Or you can visit Hair68 official youtube channel to know more about hair:
And finally, don’t forget to check out our Hair Extension Category weekly, thank you!