Take care of straight wavy weave is a simple task, but it is an important determinant of the beauty of your hair. In fact, many women underestimate the proper brushing of their hair, which gradually leads to high hair loss, tangles and damage. Therefore, you need to know the following brushing principles, to change hair care habits your straight wavy weave.
1. The first rule is choosing the right type of comb.
Currently, most of the longtime suppliers have experience in the field of manufacturing type straight wavy weave recommendations choosing wooden combs and thin teeth when combing hair. The comb is an item that comes in contact with our scalp and hair every day. So you need to invest in a product of the best quality possible.
If you are using plastic combs, change right away through wooden combs and horns, soft teeth to brush your hair daily. Normally, combing hair with plastic combs, shoe teeth will occur electrostatic phenomena. When combing hair comb and hair rubbing together makes hair fibers warm up to make fast hair tangle and hair loss more.
However, when using wooden combs, you can limit this phenomenon. Wooden combs and horns have also been shown to make hair shine, less broken than other combs on the market.
2. The next principle put the comb 2 cm away from the scalp.
Placing the comb close to the scalp and combing it straight out along the length of the hair is one of the mistakes of women today. This habit causes the strands of the straight wavy weave to stretch, adversely affect the hair follicles and the hair will gradually fall out. Even more, stretching the hair will make you feel a headache, this is especially not good for your health. Especially for wavy straight weave, you must not use combing this way.

20 inch straight weave
The best way to comb your hair is to place a comb about 2cm from the scalp to less damage to the hairline. You should divide the hair into small pieces and start brushing at the ends of the hair and then on the body and to the hairline instead of combing from top to bottom. You brush each layer to the outer layer. This will limit the breakage of hair.
Besides, you can apply a hair comb from inside to outside, to help your wavy straight hair weave bobbing and more elastic.
3. Remember not to brush your straight wavy weave when wet.
Why is that? Did you know that when wet is the weakest hair because when you wash your hair, water weakens your hair and is easily stretched?
If you comb your straight wavy weave when wet hair will cause the bond in the hair to be easily broken, leading to breakage. Unfortunately, your hair is long and tangled after shampooing. If you try your best to untangle when your hair is wet, it is like “rough action” to make your hair more damaged.
So after shampooing, dry your hair under the fan, wait for about 80% dry to start brushing to help your hair get easier and not damaged. Especially, to make your straight wavy weave stronger, you should spray some hair conditioner before brushing.
4. Clean your hair comb regularly.
To get the beautiful and smooth straight wavy weave hair you want. You need to pay attention to everyday hair contact items. After a period of use, in addition to dirt, bacteria and hair care products you use can also stick on the comb will stay on the hair every time you comb your hair.
If you do not clean the comb regularly, then every time you brush the dust and dirt on the brush, it will stick to the hair to make it fast and dirty.

straight 18 inch weave
Especially after each shampooing session, if you comb your hair with a brush that is not cleaned regularly, you will find your hair as dirty as not washing your hair.
Therefore, you need to clean the comb regularly (1-2 times/week) to remove black streaks, white streaks remaining on the surface of the comb, making hair care easier.
5. The most important rule is not to brush too much.
Too much combing is one of the culprits that cause a breakdown of the hair and fast tangles. You should only brush your straight wavy weave when it is really necessary. Let’s just leave your hair “freedom” to develop better.
When you need to brush your hair, limit the friction that acts on your hair by using more essential oils. The balm not only helps the hair shine more, but it also limits the tangle and split ends and breaks.
So you should brush your hair at least 2 times a day, each lasting for 1-2 minutes. If your hair is tangled, it is best to remove them with your fingers gently. Absolutely do not jerk or pull hair in a hurry. Brush slowly so that the external force has little impact on the straight wavy weave.

20 inch straight hair
Avoid scratching the brushing teeth into the scalp because the horny layer is easy to peel off, damaging your scalp. This action is easy to damage the pores and is the cause of itching, dandruff and hair loss. The hair is dyed and the hair is curled, the more careful it must be.
These are the 5 important principles you need to keep in mind when combing your straight wavy weave. It helps to avoid tangles, loss, and damage to your scalp. Now, you have answered the question of how to comb your hair properly? Have you combed your hair properly for a long time? Hopefully, this article has helped you to experience hair care effectively. Thank you for reading my article. You can see some articles about Vietnamremyhair’s hair care on the blog hair68.