Properly caring straightening hair to avoid damages before, during and after straightening has not been known by many girls or they do not pay much attention to this problem. Only when hair becomes damaged, they pay attention to caring it. If you want to own a beautiful hair thanks to straightening, you should care it at first time. If you properly care your straightening hair, you will have the most attractive and sexy hair.
Let hair68blog refer Tips for properly caring straightening hair to avoid damages
1. Realize damaged hair after straightening
- Split ends.
- Hair losses abnormally.
- Hair fibers become stiff, not slick; even it is clotted.
2. Tips for caring straightening hair properly
Before straightening hair
- Choose reputable hair salon with good straightening service and standard hair straightening products.
- Take care of hair before straightening because a healthy hair will limit damages and have ability to confront to external impact such as heat.
In process of straightening hair
- You should pay attention to some issues, such as prepare and mix straightening products, choose suitable products for your health status, consider temperature of the straightener. Some indicators for each type of hair: weak hair is 140 degrees, normal hair is 160 degrees, healthy hair is 180 degrees.
After straightening hair
- Hair will be damaged after straightening, so the best way for you is that you should use recovered products after using chemicals. These products will expose their effects quickly and you will not lose your time.
- A principle for hair care after straightening is using hair conditioner, hair care products regularly. Sometimes you take time to do natural homemade mask. Otherwise, your straightening hair will be quickly damaged and brittle.
- The first principle after straightening hair is that you should not tie, clip or wash hair immediately. Waiting time for washing hair after straightening is from 2 to 3 days.
- You can go to hair salon to steam hair if possible.
- When you go out in the sunshine, you should protect your hair. Because when straightening hair, it will be weak. Directly expose hair to sunshine will make it quickly split end.
- Finally, should choose shampoos, hair conditioners with high humidity and ability to restore or recover hair.
Hopefully, tips for properly caring straightening hair to avoid damages as mentioned above will be good for girls, who have a tendency to make straightening hair to own the most perfect hair. I wish you will be successful and own a silky hair as expected.
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