How to make Homemade Flaxseed Hair Gel?
Hair treatment products are indispensable in hot summer days. To protect your hair or your vietnamese hair extensions , natural products are the safest. One of them is Homemade Flaxseed Hair Gel
Sultry summer is also one of the reasons that make your hair dry, tangled, split and less vitality. Especially with dyed hair, ultraviolet rays will make color molecules destroyed causing tangled hair and hair loss.
Homemade Flaxseed Hair Gel is an inexpensive natural hair care product, suitable for curly or wavy hair. It keeps hair line in a smooth manner without creating rigidity. Many additional components can be added to homemade flax seed gel to customize based on specific needs of your hair. This process takes approximately 7 minutes.
Homemade Flaxseed Hair Gel is kept in the refrigerator for about two weeks, or longer with preservatives. It can be frozen for use later.
– Flax seeds
– 2 cups of distilled water
– Filter mesh
– Big bowl
– Preservatives
– 1 jar for storing gel after completion
Tools for making hair treatment gel
1st step: Soaking flax seeds overnight. This increases productivity and reduces cooking time.
Soaking flax seeds overnight
2nd step: Put flax seeds into the pan or pot to boil, sometimes stir. In addition, you can add a pinch of epsom salt.
Put flax seeds into the pot to boil
Epsom salt has been known as a natural remedy for a number of diseases, brought about many benefits to health as well as beauty, used for household and gardening.
3rd method: Stir gently and constantly as the mixture begins to boil.
Stir gently and constantly as the mixture begins to boil
4th step: When seeing flax seeds float on the surface of water, turn off the heat and filter the mixture through a filter mesh.
Filter to separate flax seeds and water mixture
Note: Immediately wash the pot or pan.
5th step: Add a little bit preservative after the mixture becomes cool. You also can add any ingredients you like such as essential oil, aloe vera gel, oil and butter.
Add a little bit preservative after the mixture becomes cool
6th step: Mix well the mixture to combine ingredients together.
Mix well the mixture to combine ingredients together
7th step: Finally, pour gel into the prepared empty box and then wait for the efficiency
Pour gel into the prepared empty box
If you need to buy hair extensions products you can buy it at Vietnam remy hair company, we supply all kind of hair extensions, make sure you will be satisfied.
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