Only a few tablespoons of honey, coconut milk … your tangled, broken and short hair will grow 10cm longer quickly after just one week of care.
Girls who has short and broken hair will always have the desire to own a long, smooth and shining hair. Usually you will have to wait 5 months to 1 year of new hair care longer than ten centimeters. However, thanks to the mixture of hair incubation, you could grow hair longer in few time with some easy natural ingredients below.
1. Mix coconut milk – honey – olive oil – vitamin E
This blend of brewing oil provides nutrients to stimulate hair growth and nourish the shiny, smooth hair.
– 250ml of coconut milk
– 2 tablespoons of honey.
– 2 – 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
– 3 vitamin E capsules

Coconut milk is really good for hair
How to make:
Step 1: Pour coconut milk, honey, olive oil into the bowl and mix well.
Step 2: Mix the solution in 3 tablets of vitamin E into the mixture and mix again.
How to use:
– Brush this mixture all over the body of the hair, massage hands, gently massage the scalp so that the nutrients in the mixture permeate the scalp.
– Incubate hair for 1 hour.
– Shampoo with shampoo and conditioner.
Just make the hair 3 times a week with this formula, the hair will grow fast and the extra 10cm make you surprised.
2. Chicken eggs and beer mixture
Eggs are rich in protein to stimulate hair growth faster and longer, while beer contains a large amount of vitamin B necessary to promote hair growth. These two very familiar ingredients will help you quickly regain long, shiny, healthy hair.
– 2 chicken eggs
– 2 glasses of beer
– Pour 1 cup of beer and 2 eggs in the bowl and mix well
Use the remaining beer mug on your hair and massage gently for 5 minutes

Have you ever try using egg to take care for hair
Rinse well with cool water, then use a mixture of chicken eggs and beer on the hair, incubate for 20 minutes for the permeability properties.
– Rinse with clean water
Make it 3 times a week with this mixture, hair will shine, reduce fall off and grow faster.
3. Coffee and shampoo mixture
Cafe – a drink too familiar to millions of people. But it is not surprising that the cafe has the effect of speeding up the growth of hair is very clear. Just add a little powder of coffee to the shampoo and massage the scalp everyday so you will soon have long hair.
Material: 2 teaspoons of coffee powder and shampoo

Coffee is always good for hair and can easily find in your kitchen
Mix 2 tablespoons of coffee into the shampoo you use often and wash your hair as usual.
Do this once a day, just after a week you will notice the length of your hair changes dramatically.
Here are some quick ways to make your hair long in a week, which are very easy to do and save money because you can do it at home. Good luck!
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See you at next haircare blog post!