In Vietnam, honey locust is a popular fruit for hair care. Every one, from the little girl to old woman use it to wash their hair and make it more soft and silk. People believe that honey locust even better than shampoo that you use everyday. In the world, each country has difference feature about climate, geography,…so people use many other herbs that can help shiny, strong hair. Let take a look around to see hair care tips from people in other country.
India uses coconut oil
The fist country I want to mention today is India, a country which is famous with beautiful long hair woman. So what are their hair care tips? How they can growth such a wonderful hair?

Indian woman has wonderful hair
In India, coconut oil is one of the most popular natural cosmetics, especially for hair. Indian women have a habit of using coconut oil to moisturize and condition the hair instead of shampooing. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, providing moisture to keep your hair shiny and radiant. That is why Indian women always have a bloated and smooth hair.

Cocout oil is really good for your hair
Italy uses olives and yogurt
Actually these two types of foods are very good for women’s hair. Yogurt contains many natural nutrients and vitamins, helping the hair to be nourished from root to tip. Olive oil has the ability to restore damaged hair, provide moisture and smooth the hair. Italian women are still used to this recipe (crushed with olives and mixed with yogurt) as a natural cream for brewing at home instead of going to salon.

Olive oil and yogurt mixture is best hair recipe
Australia uses Eucalyptus oil
As the land of this plant, Australians, especially women, have known how to use them for a long time to nourish their hair. In Australia, women often put a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a shampoo mixture to massage the scalp. Research has shown that antioxidants and antibacterial substances in eucalyptus help treat fungal infections, prevent dandruff and prevent sebum excretion. Eucalyptus oil also helps soothe the scalp, giving you the feeling of complete relaxation when shampooing.

Eucalyptus oil is a secret hair herbal of Australian
Colombia uses avocados
Beside Venezuela, Colombia is also the top country has most miss world. Miss Colombia possesses a bobbing, rippling and extremely beautiful hair, and the secret of Colombian women is avocado fruit. Avocados is proven to contain more natural fatty acids, antioxidants that will enhance the hair’s lifespan. Essence in the avocado will help your hair shiny, smooth and thick naturally. In particular, they also use avocado butter mixed with egg yolks to mask the hair. This way the hair is always shiny and has enough moisture.

Avocado is really good for hair growth
Thailand uses coconut milk
Our neighboring country has a unique “hair care formula” in the world that uses coconut milk. This is said to be due to the cultural life of Thai people associated with coconut milk, especially in culinary culture. So they soon discovered the great use of this fruit with hair. Thai people think that coconut milk has the ability to soften and shine the hair. This formula helps to restore split ends, fibers, or dry hair. For sunburned hair, coconut milk helps provide moisture and replenishes natural water for the hair. Coconut milk is rich in vitamin E, which helps to nourish strong hair from inside.

Thai people use cocout milk to take care your hair
All of hair care tips above is really useful for you, right? You can easy follow and do it by yourself at home. Each method have difference advantage to your hair. So before start using, you should take a research and make a careful plan for it. It will helps you to control everything and know how ecffective it is.
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