Have you been ruined by static hair? This is just an interesting physical phenomena but it also let you know health condition of the hair. Hair68 Blog today will give you some advice to avoid this situation and bring you a beautiful hair even in cold and dry weather.
What is static hair?

Static hair could be cause of tangle and damage
If you know about science you will understand that static hair happened when your hair becomes charge with electricity. All hair is made up of atoms which include protons, neutrons and electrons. When the imbalance between protons and electrons happen, your hair becomes electrically charged.
But important that we care about is it make your hair look awful. And some time you have to get up early 30 minutes just waiting for your hair become normal. This phenomenon only occurs in the cold day and air is really dry. When you sleep, your hair will rub against the pillow, blanket. That creates an electrical imbalance, lead to static hair. So how to prevent this phenomenon?
Anti-static dryer sheets
This magic product is not only smell really good, but it also an de-static tools for your hair. Keep a few sheets of those in your bag or pocket every time in the winter. It will useful sometime. You could easy buy it from retail store or grocery store.

Keep this sheet in your pocket, it will be helpful sometimes
Using cream
You can use any cream you have such as: skin lotion, face cream or hand cream,…Take a little of them, rub in your hand and comb the hair by your hand. It no need to use too much, because it could leave oil on your hair (except that cream is using for hair), just a little bit to make your hair better.

Hair cream will help you keep the moisture for hair
What if you don’t have cream?
In that case, you could find some water and using it to de-static your hair. It is not best method to solve this situation but it is easiest way. Use a little bit of water then braid your hair. There are so many braid style for you to choose in Hair Fashion Category, check it out every week to refresh yourself.
Don’t use plastic
The reason you shouldn’t use plastic brush is plastic is non-conductive material. That will make your hair more static. Spend more money to buy a wooden or metal comb, it will prevent this phenomenon and also keep your hair prevent from tangle.

When you using plastic brush with your dry hair, it will become static hair
It is not difficult to deal with this situation, as long as you understand the nature of the problem. In case you try alot of way, your hair still look bad and you can’t go out with that terrible hair style. There is another choice for you: using wig. If you think it is to expensive to afford a wig, it is wrong. You can easy make it by yourself with some bundles of hair extension and a closure. There is alot of video on youtube has tutorial for that. If you need more advice, contact to Hair68 inbox or check out our Hair care blog, we will answer problem for customers.
Thank for spending time for us today! Hope it helpful with you!