Choosing hair color is not easy as choosing clothes for a party or picnic. With clothes, you can put it on and off, try to combine until it is perfect. But with hair color, you can’t do it again and again. Once time you change color, it needs a lot of time and if you do it too much, it also has bad affect to your hair health. So when you decide it, make sure you consider all the factors as natural hair color, skin, eye color,…Let Vietnam Remy Hair Blog give you some suggestions!
1. Imagine your new look
First, you have to imagine what you will look like after changing hair color. You could ask yourself some questions like:
– Q1: What color of hair I want? (Think on purpose: party, picnic, date,…)
– Q2: Is my current hair style suitable with that color or I have to get a new hair cut?
– Q3: Which clothes and shoes will fit with my new look?
– Q4: Consider about new hair look and cost needed. If it is ok, go to next stage, if not, back to question 1.

There is so many hair styles and colors you could choose
2. Collect picture of hair color you like
Try to collect some picture of the hair color you like. You could easily search on google and save it into your phone or computer. It will help you have more detail to think about the new look. You could also refer the style of person in the picture and apply to yourself. When you go to salo, showing a picture will always better than explain.
For example, you like purple color, you will collect all picture you can. After that, you could compare them and choose which one is suitable with you, not the one you like.

Many types of purple hair
3. Get a new style and new clothes
After decide, you need to go to salon to get a new hair cut and dye hair as color you want. Cutting hair before dye could save amount of dye material. And you also image more clear what you will look like when having new color.
Then you can go to clothes shop right after that to choose new outfit. New style will help you feel more excited to do everything. It is necessary to refresh yourself.

Choosing clothes suitable with your hair style is necessary
4. Think about how often you are willing to get touch-ups
If you want to do a big change like dye from black to blond or vice versa, you will need to maintain your look regular. But if you just change a bit as your natural hair color, it is no need to think about it. This thing is also need money so you have to consider about it too.

Hair care is final steps to keep your beautiful look
All of these steps above will help you choose for yourself a beautiful hair color. In case you don’t want risk for your hair or hair health too weak to try a new color. There are always a different way for you to deal with it. You can dye hair as much as you want but no need to worry about anything. Hair extension – have you ever think about that?
What if tomorrow you have a party but next week you have a business trips? Hair extension will be the best choice. Choose color you want and apply it to your hair. You will look beautiful in party but still have good appearance on your business trip.
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