This is the right decision when you read the article if you meet the problem with shedding the hair? You are concerning all the information about the hair but you don’t know what should you do when your hair will be broken and shedding. Let’s continue reading this article and don’t miss it. You will find some useful tips for your hair.
1. What is the main reason that makes your hair will be shed so much
I guess before you make any buying decisions, you will search the best Vietnam hair factories that have so many Vietnam hair reviews on google. It will be good for you to void a waste of money.
In the hair extensions market now, many customers are afraid when they buy hair extensions because they usually meet the trouble. Shedding is a popular issue many users meet. Some factory, they don’t take care of and control about the quality of the product after producing. All product isn’t be tested before shipping so when the customer receives a product and comb it, the hair is lost so much.
Besides, the technical is an important element impact on the quality of the product. How many times to make the thread? How many times to use glue in the weft line? It is an impact on a strong weft line or not. In addition, the way you take care of hair is the other reason can make your hair shedding. Why do I say that? Many customers, they wash their hair even the hair is so wet. This is a bad action you never should do that. Because when the hair is wet, it is so weak, if you comb hair, the hair is easy to broken and shredded. So let check carefully the main reason and don’t anything, which can damage your hair
2. What should you do when your hair is shedding
In the first part, you can see, there are two main reasons make the hair is shedding. One from a supplier and one from you. So depending on the reason you will have different solutions.
In the case, the problem made by the supplier, you can check with them again, show about the problem and wait for them to respond. Because with the product have a weak weft line, the hair is not good quality. Don’t have any solutions can repair it because the mistake belongs to the factory.
In the case, the problem made by you, please take care more when you washing hair, and use condition. Please note that you shouldn’t comb hair when the hair is wet. Especially with steam products and natural wavy, when you comb, you should use the wide tooth and make sure the problem will do not happen again.
3. Reading as much as a possible company that have the best Vietnam hair reviews
There are many suppliers in hair extensions market now, so you have any choice, the best thing you should do to avoid all problem is searching information, checking Vietnam hair reviews in youtube also and choose the suitable product with you. Don’t forget to explore the more useful article to have good knowledge of hair extensions.