When you really want to change your hair style, but you can’t wait until your hair growth long enough, hair extensions will be your best choice to instantly add more length and volume to your hair. Today, not only model or actor using hair extension, every one could using it to get a beautiful look. It is easy to use, affordable and difficult to realise the join. If you are cosidering to have your own hair extension, the here is 6 things you need to know.
1. Hair extensions: real human hair or sythetic fiber?
To have great look, your hair extension should look perfectly natural and blend with your own hair. Real human hair is a best choice for that reason. But human hair is expensive than sythetic hair, so you could consider your budget before buy one for yourself.
To understand more about the difference between real human hair and synthetic fiber, click here to read more.
2. What brands of hair extension you should choose?
There are alot of different brands of hair extension, so how do you know which one is good and suitable with you? At current, most popular hair brands is Brazil, Peru, China, India and Vietnam. Understand more about the feature of each kind will help you easier to decide when buying them, especiall buying online.
Vietnamese hair just appear on market few years ago, but has high standard and was acceptable in many diffirence market. It is silk, soft and shining with variety colors as black, brown, grey or light end,… and affordable price. You could visit our blog to know more about Vietnamese hair and other brands.
3. You will get what you pay for
With hair extension, you really get what you pay for. There are so many brands and type of hair extension so you have to choose wisely. If you just want to try a new style to check if it is beautiful or not, synthetic hair could be a good choice. But when you want to use it for a long time and could treat them well as your own hair, you should pay more to get real human hair extensions.
4. Cutting and styling hair extensions
Your hair extensions should blend in perfectly with your natural hair, so first step is choosing style for your hair extension: straight, wavy or culy,… and colors: black, brown,… The length of the hair is also important when you decide.
You can colour extensions, make style for them, but remember the lifetime of them is depend on the way you using it. So make sure you recovery for them often.
5. Don’t buy hair from salon
Normally salon add an extra price when you selling hair extension to you. With the develop of internet today, you can easily buy a hair extensions for yourself after a few click. When buying online, you should find out every thing about the supplier you consider. Big supplier always better than you buy hair from a supplier you don’t know with very cheap price and fake promise.
6. What is Remy Hair?
Remy hair is all hair is full cuticle intact and aligning them in a unidirectional fashion creates extensions that are completely natural in appearance, which is not stripped . This cuticle will keep protein in the middle of hair fiber which makes hair fiber silky, soft thoughout its life time. It is easy for you to comb (although with your finger), special after washing it.
Remy hair is collected in a method in which holding the hair in a ponytail and cutting (top at top, and ends at ends) as it grew. This eliminates tangling problems commonly found in non-Remy or low quality hair.
Thansk for visit Vietnam Remy Hair BLog today!
Also, you can try our Vietnamese Hair extensions products to have a healthy and beautiful hair! Please note, The current there are many Vietnamese Hair suppliers, to get the best quality and best wholesale price for human hair, please come to Vietnam Remy Hair Co.,Ltd.