You often spend a lot of time waiting for old weaves curly hair to grow out to have long hair. Today to solve this problem, many people have chosen to use hair extensions. It helps you change the hairstyles, color continuously for a short time. However, you already know how to take care of your hair extensions properly? The following article will help you how to use, keep your hair shiny and durable.
1. First, keep weaves curly hair clean.
Hairstylists recommend washing your hair 3 times a week. Shampooing and hair care will prevent weaves curly hair from tangling and keep the hair fragrant, soft and smooth.

18 inch curly human hair weave
In addition to keeping hair clean, it will prevent hair from drying out due to dandruff, sweat or dust in the air cling.
2. Wash your hair properly.
Your weaves curly hair will always be soft and smooth if you know how to combine shampoo, conditioner, and water properly. You should wash your hair in one direction. You rub the shampoo into your hair from the forehead towards the back of your hair. Then, massage your scalp with your fingers, following the direction from the scalp to the hairline.
After that, rinse your hair with clean water. Don’t forget, always brush your hair before shampooing. Remember to never brush your hair when wet because when your hair is wet, it is very fragile, vulnerability. When we comb our hair, especially using multiple thick tooth comb, the impact collides between hair and combs makes hair lost and broken.
3. Use proper hair care products.
Use a shampoo and conditioner dedicated for a salon to care weaves curly hair. Sulfate-free hair care products contain less detergent and make your connecting hair last longer. Sulfate in shampoo products creates foam but is the factor that causes your hair to dry out.
Remember to use dedicated shampoos due to different types of hair extensions. if you limit the use of products that contain hair bleaching ingredients, then you can use hair extensions for a long time.
4. Brush your hair gently.
Brush your hair daily with a comb or round brush. Always start brushing from the hairline in the scalp to the ends of your hair gently and slowly. One hand holds a comb, the other hand gently holds the hair in the scalp to prevent hair breakage. Always remember to comb your hair before shampooing and never comb your hair when it is wet.
5. Proper hair drying.
After washing your hair, gently squeeze the water on hair with a towel and avoid pulling or tugging on your hair. When your weaves curly hair is still wet, don’t brush your hair right away. Let your hair dries naturally or use a hairdryer on low heat mode to dry your hair.
Especially when drying weaves curly hair, you should use the heat diffuser attached to reduce heat directly impact the hair. In addition, if you want to brush or style, your hair must be 60-75 %.
6. Protect hair while sleeping.
You can’t go to bed when your hair is still wet. You should check that weaves curly hair is completely dry before climbing into bed. When the hair is still wet, the hair cuticle is still open and will cause hair to tangle and break during your sleep.
7. Don’t pull on the hair.
You should not pull or tug at weaves curly hair. Instead, treat your hair gently and carefully. Hair pulling will loosen the cohesion of the hair structure make the hair vulnerable to damage and break.
8. Don’t worry about hair loss.
Hair loss is a normal manifestation of the hair, so weaves curly hair will also fall off. Usually, we lose about 80-150 hairs every day. Hair extensions will also shed as hair usual despite careful and proper care.
However, if your hair is heavily shed, you need to consider carefully the reason. That word changes how to take care accordingly, to you can use it for a long time.
9. Be careful with chemicals.
Hairstylists recommend that you do not use any chemicals for home hair such as hair dyeing, straightening, and curling whether it’s a blonde and black curly weave. You need professional salons to care for the best curly weave.
Above, are 9 tips to help you use beautiful and durable weaves curly hair extensions. If you are a user of hair extensions products. You are in the process of searching for reliable hair suppliers. You can come to Vietnamremyhair, we will help you get your favorite hairstyles and colors. Thank you for following and reading our article. Please continue to monitor and support my next articles. It certainly won’t disappoint you. In addition, you can see other hair information on blog hair 68.