No matter how strong and sleek your weft weave hair extensions at some stage, your hair health will gradually go down and you will often become anxious because there’s no way to find a reasonable solution? My grandparents often say: “The tooth, the hair is the human corner.” Hair is an external beauty to evaluate people. Because of that, taking care of the beauty of the weft weave hair extensions is considered important for many women. When you encounter hair problems such as gray hair, hair loss, damaged hair, do you know how to fix it? Vietnamremyhair’s article will provide some basic treatments for each type of hair to keep your hair healthy.
1. First, silver hair problem.
Some people think that gray hair makes them too old and too different. Others claim that gray hair is just a normal sign of aging.
Currently, many scientists have conducted many studies to investigate the cause of hair turning gray or silver. Hair is colored by a pigment called melanin produced by pigment cells in hair follicles. Researchers have found that melanin-producing cells suffer from the damage accumulated over the years and eventually they can’t produce melanin.
Many studies have shown that damage in DNA and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in hair follicles causes disruption of melanin production. If there is no melanin, the new hair grows without pigment, then the hair will be gray, white, or silver.
In some people, hair begins to turn silvery gray as early as adolescence. Because gray hair is inherited, if your parents have gray-gray hair from a young age, you are also at high risk.
If you don’t like hair with this color, the solution for you can easily fix the problem with the different hair dyes available.
However, if you don’t want hair dyeing to affect your scalp or hair itself, you can use hair extensions instead. Because weft weave hair extensions are like your real hair. It is both safe and affordable.
2. Problem weft weave hair extensions are lost.
Normal people can lose about 100 hairs every day. Hair loss is also possible due to the use of stimulants such as drugs or the consequences of some cancer treatments such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
To prevent weft weave hair extensions are lost, you need to look for a long-term care pathway. It is impossible to treat hair loss in a short time because the faster it is, the less effective it is.
Besides, in addition to the essential nutritional supplements for thick weave hair. You need to combine the care with natural products such as peanuts, aloe vera, … these are very good natural products to treat hair loss.
3. Problems weft weave hair extensions are damaged.
Repeated drying, stretching, bending, and dying will damage the hair, making it brittle and brittle. Split hair and dry hair are two common manifestations of weft weave hair extensions that have been severely damaged.
Excessive styling and styling will cause split ends, which occur when the outer layer of the hair is damaged. Some split hair treatments include:
- Brush gently with a soft comb
- Avoid using a towel to dry your hair. If using a towel, massage your hair with a soft towel
- Use the best conditioner for weave hair every day and maintain about once a week.
Hair needs moisture and a certain amount of oil to maintain health. You need to avoid bad habits that cause dry hair like:

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- Wash your hair too often.
- Use a strong cleansing shampoo.
- Drying, straightening your hair many times.
- Exposure to sun, wind and dry air
- Hair dye
To keep your weft weave hair extensions moisturized, try these tips:
- Do not wash your hair every day unless your scalp is dull and greasy. When washing your hair, you should use a mild shampoo designed to provide enough moisture to dry hair.
- Limit drying, stretching, bending
- Reduce the frequency of hairdressing like bending and dying
- Wear hats on cold, windy days and wear hats when swimming.
4. Oil ball hair problems.
The scalp contains a natural amount of oil called sebum. The mucus is produced by sebaceous glands. Sometimes these glands work excessively and produce too much oil, leading to a greasy scalp condition. Greasy glossy hair looked like it was pale, weak, lifeless, and difficult to control.
To treat problems weft weave hair extensions are greasy, try washing your hair with a gentle shampoo dedicated to controlling sebum.
5. Dandruff problems.
This is a common problem for women. The dirt of the hair comes from a variety of sources, but mainly made of slime and dust, and there are also hair beauty products like lotion, gel, mousse … This is the cause of scalp scales called dandruff.
Most people are at risk for dandruff, but men are more likely to get dandruff than women because male hormones play a role in increasing dandruff. People with oily scalp are more likely to get dandruff than dry scalp because the oily scalp is a favorable condition for some developing fungi – a major cause of dandruff.
The first consequence that you can easily see when you are dandruff is that you lose confidence, shyness, shyness when communicating with people. Second, if you let this condition last, you may experience additional pathological problems on the scalp such as fungus, itching … even hair loss that causes many problems and aesthetics.
Shampoos have cleansing properties, soft and smooth hair but have very limited treatment for dandruff. So, to treat dandruff effectively, you should use a pharmaceutical shampoo with strong antifungal properties to reduce scalp symptoms and itchy scalp.
In addition to the above problems, there are many other issues related to weft weave hair extensions. You need to learn to know and prevent it in time. Stay tuned to our next articles to learn more about hair related issues. You can see some of our other articles on blog hair 68 for more information.