Recently we have received many questions from customers about how to care for the natural human weave extensions. Today Vietnamremyhair will help them solve those questions. If you also have questions like my customers, please read the article to see what it is?
1. Wash properly.
Treat human weave extensions like your natural hair. To keep your hair smooth and isn’t dry, use shampoos and conditioners for every shampoo.

When washing your hair, rub the shampoo all the way from the forehead to the back of the hair, use your hands to massage and massage the scalp and smooth the hair from the roots to the ends gently.
2. Selection best shampoo and conditioner for weave hair.
You should use sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfates are an effective cleansing agent in shampoo. However, it can dry out natural oils in your weave hair.
In a normal state, your body constantly produces new oils for natural hair. But for human weave extensions not provided directly, you should be careful not to dry them. However, sulfates can cause split ends and make your hair look dry or curly over time.

Each naturally woven hair has an outer layer of cuticle that protects it. The epidermis not only protects hair but also reflects sunlight to make hair shiny.
When the cuticle layer in your hair breaks, making your hair look dull. By addressing the positively charged particles attached to the negatively charged parts of the hair shaft while repairing the epidermis, conditioner helps your hair shine again.
3. Don’t wash human weave extensions too much.
Similar to your natural hair, human weave extensions become dry if you wash them too much. You should wash your hair depending on the thickness, the amount of oil in it. Typically, you should wash extensions 3-5 days/week.
4. Proper hair drying.
Whether it is splicing or normal hair, don’t overdo the use of the dryer. If hair drying is required, follow the following procedure:

- Use a gentle wet cotton towel.
- Turn on the dryer in the lowest temperature mode, dry the connections first, and then dry the entire head.
- Only about 60-75% should be dried and then dried naturally will limit the possibility of dry, tangled hair.
5. Protect hair when sleep.
Protecting human weave extensions every night when going to bed is essential because curls are easy to get tangled every morning to wake up. To avoid that, you can loosen your hair or remove it before bed.
6. No pulling human weave extensions.
You must not pull, pull hair when washing shampoo or at any time. Especially when washing, do not twist your hair to squeeze out the water. If you do it on purpose, your hair will be more prone to damage and breakage.
Vietnamremyhair always tries its best to take care of natural weave hair. We are very proud that we are the top 10 biggest hair production companies in Vietnam. Don’t forget to contact us if you are looking for a cheap hair weave.